Thursday, November 20, 2014


There is nothing more overwhelming than losing the excess kilos and getting to your ideal weight, all toned and fit. But the bigger task is to maintain the weight loss. We bring you some good old fashioned wisdom on shedding those excess kilos and staying trim through the summer.
If you are one of the many who struggle every single day, trying to survive this balancing act, we have some easy ways to help you keep the lost weight at bay, and be fit and toned always. This is especially for all the brides who lost a lot of weight before the wedding, and are now struggling with maintaining it.
1. Never skip meals:

Unlike the popular notion, skipping meals will not help you maintain the lost weight. Skipping meals and starving yourself will only slow down the metabolism of your body, eventually leading to difficulty in managing the weight loss. That apart, it will lead to several nutritional deficiencies too. It is important to feed the body from time to time for a healthy metabolic rate that aids in keeping your weight in check. Just make sure that all your meals are balanced and healthy.
2. Do not take your weight for granted!

After losing a lot of weight and getting a well-toned look, the huge mistake most people make is to take this for granted. They stop exercising and indulge in junk food, and do not weigh themselves regularly. This naturally leads to piling on all the lost kilos, taking them back to where they started! Do not make this mistake of taking your weight for granted, and always be on guard
3. Do not stop exercising!

Ignoring regular exercise after losing weight is the biggest mistake most people make. It is vital for you to understand that being physically active is the only effective way to stay fit and maintain healthy weight. Getting back to the "no exercise" sedentary mode can easily make you pile on all the lost kilos!
4. Indulge in a variety of foods:

Every food item has certain nutrients that it is high in. Having a variety of foods included in your diet is an absolute must to ensure that you get all the essential nutrients. This is also vital to achieve and maintain a healthy weight loss by maintaining a healthy metabolic rate. Make sure your diet includes lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and lean proteins for a healthy, ailment-free body.
5. Always stay hydrated:

Do not stop your “more than 8 glasses of water per day” routine even after you have lost all the excess weight. Not only does it make you feel full, but it also flushes out toxins and keeps your body hydrated. Proper hydration is a must for healthy skin and hair as well. You can suffice this need by adding green tea, fruit and vegetable juices to your diet too
6.  Have small portions:

Your body always signals you to stop when you are full. Never indulge in food more than the body can take and digest. It will store it in the tissues as fats and bring back that extra weight again. And, most importantly, always have small portions of food 5-6 times a day, rather than 2-3 large meals, to keep the metabolic rate high and to ensure easy digestion.
Maintaining the lost weight is not easy, we agree. But it is not that difficult, now is it?

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